Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday With A Smile

Today was much like alot of other Saturdays.... The first thing on my mind is to RELAX, but 16 hours later, I'm finally getting to do just that.  I woke up early this morning and drank a beautifully crafted cup of joe that my husband prepared so lovingly for me.  As I write this, my mouth is watering for a refill (complete with caffeine jolt).

I have been preoccupied with numerous different things this week (pretty much this whole month)... so I finally had a chance to reconnect with my Etsy account.  I opened up my Saturday with a nice early morning chat on Etsy.  It's always nice to make some new friends and network with people that are trying to accomplish the very same thing you are. 

I then decided to motivate myself up and out of my recliner. I quickly got dressed and proceeded to work for the day. I enjoy the time I get to spend at the auto shop without customers and co-workers around to interrupt my ritual cleaning routine.  Three hours, a bottle of toilet cleaner, two rolls of paper toweling, and one bucket of mop water later... the shop is back to tip-top shape, and I am ready to take on another Monday--head on with no worries. 

I not only put in overtime at work this week, but I also managed to check off another miscellaneous item on my "To Do" list.  I created a wonderful draft for my best friend's gorgeous little red-headed firecracker-of-a daughter's birthday present.... A miniature stepping stool with her name burnt on the top, complete with a border of ivy, flowers, and accented with a butterfly.  After I accomplished everything I needed to at work, I drove frantically to Hobby Lobby to take full advantage of my 40% Off coupon (Why doesn't every company give a customer incentive like this?).  I am quite proud to say, I brought the stool home and worked vigorously to prepare it for the Big Burn!  I am finally ready to create another one-of-a-kind piece of art.  The best part of it all-- This stool will be a part of my friend's daughter's life for many years to come....  

All in all, today was a wonderful little Saturday. 

Year 2010: She Came, She Saw, She Dominated Us

At the beginning of 2010, I had high hopes that this year would be different from the past couple... prosperous, full of happiness, new beginnings, along with the unexpected hurdle here and there.  This year, I acquired a new last name through wedded bliss, a renewed appreciation for my day job, and a very...very small business (if you can even call it that, yet) to call my own.  This year has not been an easy one though, despite all of the good things that have come from it. 

After seeing my mom battle back from a major heart attack in late 2009, I've had my emotional ups & downs.  It's hard to live life in the "now" when your brain gets hung up on a certain moment in time/history that you can't move away from, can't fix, can't erase.  But one day you realize that you just spent almost an entire year wrapped up in worrying about the same depressing, uncontrollable factors that we call "life", and you have to raise your spirits and chin, forging ahead to conquer what tomorrow may bring.  I've tried to lift the huge burden called Death off my brain, so that I may begin to live my life again as it was meant to be fulfilled.  I want to be happy, prosperous, and live every day with no regrets or worries.  Unfortunately, death surrounds all of us on a daily basis, but while we're here living today.... we must make the very best of it that we can.

I learned alot about myself in 2010, and I also realized that I have alot more dreams and aspirations that I want to conquer before I worry my life away.  I want to rediscover the person who I know I can be. I want to uncover the wonderful things about myself that I never knew I was capable of achieving.  When I normally take right turns in life, I want to make sure that I take a left once in a while to keep things spicy.  I want to embrace who I am and what my life IS right now; instead of what it could have been-instead of worrying what it might be like someday.  I want to push myself to the limits that life has offered me, just to see what I can do.  This is what will make me happy... This is what will make me prosperous someday... This is what will make me someone my family and friends can be proud of... and this is what will make tomorrow & next year so exciting to live. 

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